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Aluminum Foil
Aluminum foil is a thin sheet rolled from metal aluminum. It is a soft metal film with soft texture, good ductility and silvery white luster. It is widely used in packaging materials for food and medicine, materials for electrolytic capacitors, and thermal insulation materials for buildings, vehicles, ships, etc. Ganghua Steel can produce various aluminum foil products, such as aluminum foil rolls, aluminum foil packaging boxes, aluminum foil packaging bags, etc., which can be customized according to customer requirements and provide customers with one-stop service. Welcome to contact us to get the latest product quotation!
Product Specifications
Product Name
Alloy State
Common  Thickness  (mm)
Processing Methods
 Pharmaceutical foil  (aluminum alloy foil for  pharmaceutical packaging)
Lamination, coating, printing, etc.
After compounding and printing, it is widely used in the packaging of various pharmaceutical capsules, tablets and granules.
Container foil  (aluminum alloy foil for semi-rigid containers)
Semi-rigid containers for food packaging after punching.
Household foil (aluminum alloy foil)
Small roll
For food preservation, barbecue, aviation, hotel catering and kitchen cleaning.
Tobacco foil (aluminum alloy foil for cigarette packaging)
Composite paper, coloring, printing, etc.
Used in cigarette packaging after lining, printing or painting.
Flexible packaging foil (aluminum alloy foil for flexible packaging)
Composite paper, plastic film embossing, coloring, printing, etc.
Candy, milk and dairy products, powdered food, beverages, tea, bread and various snacks, etc.
Cardboard Foil
Aluminum plastic paper composite
Act as barrier and aesthetics
Sterile Foil
0.0063, 0.00635
Aluminum-plastic paper compounding and printing
As a barrier material, it is made into a rectangular carton package with a straw hole (when drinking soda), such as: Tetra Pak, Combibloc, etc.
Hose Foil (aluminum alloy foil for hose)
Compounding, printing, etc.
After composite printing with PE, it is used to process the packaging of cream products such as toothpaste, ointment, cosmetics, etc.
Heat Sealing Foil (aluminum and aluminum alloy foil for heat sealing)
0.025~0.05 (Single-sided or double-sided light)
Compounding, printing, etc.
After processing such as printing or painting, it is used for packaging of dairy products such as fresh milk and yogurt
 Air Conditioner Aluminum Foil (air conditioner radiator, aluminum and aluminum alloy foil for heat exchanger)
Punched fins
Making air conditioner heat exchanger heat conduction fins
Cable Foil (aluminum and aluminum alloy foil for cable covering)
Aluminum-plastic composite
After aluminum-plastic compounding, it is used to coat strong electric cables
Wine Label Foil
Aluminum-plastic composite and processed into narrow strips
Wrap weak wires for shielding
Aluminum Foil for Capacitors
Beer label
Aluminum Foil for Capacitors
Oil-lined paper
Electronic capacitor
Classification Of Aluminum Foil

Sort by thickness

According to the difference in thickness, aluminum foil can be divided into thick foil, single zero foil and double zero foil.
① Thick foil: foil with a thickness of 0.1 to 0.2 mm.
② Single zero foil: foil with a thickness of 0.01mm and less than 0.1mm.
③ Double-zero foil: The so-called double-zero foil is a foil with two zeros after the decimal point when its thickness is in mm, usually an aluminum foil with a thickness of less than 0.01, that is, an aluminum foil with a thickness of 0.005~0.009mm.

Sort by shape

According to the shape, aluminum foil can be divided into roll aluminum foil and sheet aluminum foil. Most of the aluminum foil deep-processing wool is supplied in rolls, and sheet aluminum foil is only used in a few handicraft packaging occasions.
According to the state, aluminum foil can be divided into hard foil, semi-hard foil and soft foil.

① Hard foil: aluminum foil that has not been softened (annealed) after rolling, and that there is residue on the surface when it is not degreasing. Therefore, the hard foil must be degreased before printing, lamination, and coating, and it can be used directly if it is used for forming.
② Semi-hard foil: Aluminum foil whose hardness (or strength) is between hard foil and soft foil, usually used for forming.
③ Soft foil: The aluminum foil that has been fully annealed and softened after rolling has a soft material and no residual oil on the surface. Most of the current application areas, such as packaging, lamination, electrical materials,etc.,use soft foils.

Sort by Surface State

According to the surface state, aluminum foil can be divided into one-sided smooth aluminum foil and two-sided smooth aluminum foil.

① Single-sided smooth aluminum foil: double-rolled aluminum foil, one side is bright after sub-rolling, and the other side is black, such aluminum foil is called one-sided smooth aluminum foil. The thickness of one side light aluminum foil is usually not more than 0.025mm.
② Double-sided smooth aluminum foil: A single rolled aluminum foil, two paintings are in contact with the roll, and the two sides of the aluminum foil are divided into mirror two-sided smooth aluminum foil and ordinary two-sided smooth aluminum foil due to the difference in the surface roughness of the roll. The thickness of the two-sided glossy aluminum foil is generally not less than 0.01mm.

Classification by processing state

According to the processing state, aluminum foil can be divided into plain foil, embossed foil, composite foil, coated foil, colored aluminum foil and printed aluminum foil.

① Plain foil: Aluminum foil without any other processing after rolling, also known as light foil.
② Embossed foil: Aluminum foil with various patterns pressed on the surface.
③ Composite foil: composite aluminum foil formed by laminating aluminum foil, paper, plastic film and cardboard together.
④ Coated foil: aluminum foil coated with various resins or paints on the surface.
⑤ Colored aluminum foil: The surface is coated with aluminum foil of a single color.
⑥ Printing aluminum foil: By printing the aluminum foil with various patterns, patterns, characters or pictures on the surface, it can be one color, up to 12 colors.
Soft aluminum foil can also be further pressed into four-zero foil for high-end decoration.
Features Of Aluminum Foil
Aluminum foil has a clean, hygienic and shiny appearance. It can be made into integrated packaging materials with many other packaging materials, and the surface printing effect of aluminum foil is better than other materials. In addition, aluminum foil has the following characteristics:

 The surface of the aluminum foil is extremely clean and hygienic, and no bacteria or microorganisms can grow on its surface.
Aluminum foil is a non-toxic packaging material, which can be in direct contact with food without any danger of harming human health.
Aluminum foil is an odorless and odorless packaging material, which will not make the packaged food have any peculiar smell.
If the aluminum foil itself is not volatile, it and the packaged food will never dry or shrink.
No matter in high temperature or low temperature, the aluminum foil will not have the phenomenon of grease penetration.
Aluminum foil is an opaque packaging material, so it is a good packaging material for products exposed to sunlight, such as margarine.
Aluminum foil has good plasticity, so it can be used to package products of various shapes. Various shapes of containers can also be arbitrarily formed.
Aluminum foil has high hardness and high tensile strength, but its tear strength is small, so it is easy to tear.
The aluminum foil itself cannot be heat sealed, and a heatable material, such as Pe, must be applied to its surface to be heat sealed.
When aluminum foil is in contact with other heavy metals or heavy metals, there may be adverse reactions.
Aluminum Plate Purchasing Skills
As a raw and auxiliary material for industrial manufacturing, aluminum foil paper is mainly used in packaging protection, daily necessities, construction, etc. Aluminum foil paper is a paper made of aluminum foil backing paper and aluminum foil pasting. The texture is soft, easy to deform, and does not bounce back after deformation, just like paper. It can be qualitatively guaranteed to be shading, not falling, opaque, non-polluting, and cheap. Applications: high-grade cigarettes, candy and other food moisture-proof, aviation food packaging, ordinary meat packaging and decorative packaging, etc.
Aluminum foil paper is quite significant in construction applications, and it is pasted on the surface of thermal insulation materials to make it more convenient, clean, and especially beautiful during construction, reaching a new height. But the effect of different types of aluminum foil is very different. For example, fireproof and ordinary are not the same grade.

Label printing
Aluminum foil paper belongs to the category of special paper in label printing. Aluminum foil paper labels are mainly laminated aluminum foil paper, including:
1. laminated foil paper
2. bright silver foil
3. matte silver foil
4. matte gold foil
5. semigloss elite fascover
The particularity of aluminum foil rolling
In the production of double foil, the rolling of aluminum foil is divided into three processes: rough rolling, intermediate rolling, and finishing rolling. From the point of view of the process, it can be roughly divided from the thickness of the rolling outlet. The general method is that the thickness of the outlet is greater than Or equal to 0.05mm is rough rolling, the outlet thickness is between 0.013 and 0.05 is medium rolling, and the single finished product and the double rolled product with the outlet thickness less than 0.013mm are finishing rolling. The rolling characteristics of rough rolling are similar to those of aluminum sheet and strip. The thickness control mainly depends on the rolling force and post tension. The rough rolling rate is very small, and its rolling characteristics are completely different from the rolling of aluminum sheet and strip. It has the advantages of aluminum foil rolling. The particularity, its characteristics are mainly in the following aspects:
Rolling of aluminum sheets and strips. The thinning of the aluminum strip mainly depends on the rolling force, so the automatic control method of plate thickness is the control method with constant roll gap as the main body of AGC. Even if the rolling force changes, the roll gap can be adjusted at any time to keep the roll gap at a certain value. Thickness can be obtained Consistent sheet and strip. While the aluminum foil is rolled to the middle finish rolling, due to the extremely thin thickness of the aluminum foil, the rolling force is increased during rolling, so that the elastic deformation of the roll is easier than the plastic deformation of the rolled material, and the elastic flattening of the roll cannot be It is neglected that the spring rolling and flattening of the roll determines that the rolling force can no longer play the same role as rolling the sheet. Mainly rely on the adjusted tension and rolling speed.

Rolling. For ultra-thin aluminum foil with a thickness of less than 0.012mm (the thickness is related to the diameter of the work roll), due to the elastic flattening of the roll, it is very difficult to use a single rolling method, so the double-joint rolling method is used. The method of adding lubricating oil between two aluminum foils and rolling them together (also called stacking). Stacked rolling can not only roll out extremely thin aluminum foils that cannot be produced by single rolling, but also reduce the number of broken strips and improve labor productivity. This process can produce single-sided smooth aluminum foils of 0.006mm to 0.03mm in batches.

Speed ​​effect. In the process of aluminum foil rolling, the phenomenon that the thickness of the foil decreases with the increase of the rolling degree is called the speed effect. The explanation of the mechanism of the speed effect needs to be further studied, and the reasons for the speed effect are generally believed to have the following three aspects:
1. The friction state between the work roll and the rolling material changes. As the rolling speed increases, the amount of lubricating oil brought in increases, so that the lubrication state between the roll and the rolling material changes. The friction coefficient decreases, the oil film becomes thicker, and the thickness of the aluminum foil decreases.
2. The change of the rolling mill itself. In rolling mills with cylindrical bearings, as the rolling speed increases, the roll necks will float in the bearings, thus causing the two interacting rolls to move toward each other.
3. The processing softens when the material is deformed by rolling. The rolling speed of the high-speed aluminum foil rolling mill is very high. With the increase of the rolling speed, the temperature of the rolling deformation zone increases. It is calculated that the metal temperature in the deformation zone can rise to 200 ° C, which is equivalent to an intermediate recovery annealing, which causes Process softening of rolled materials.

Formulate the principles process

 Determination of total processing rate. The total processing rate refers to the total deformation degree of the foil after recrystallization and annealing to rolling out the finished product. Generally speaking, the total processing rate of 1 series can reach more than 99%, and some 8 series products can also reach this value, but the total processing rate of aluminum alloy foil is generally below 90%.

 Determination of the pass processing rate. The determination of the pass processing rate is the core of the rolling process. For pure aluminum series products, the pass processing rate can reach 65%. The first pass after the billet annealing should not be too large. The processing rate is generally about 50%.

Rolling thickness

The thickness measurement methods of aluminum foil rolling mainly include eddy current thickness measurement, isotope ray thickness measurement and X-ray thickness measurement. X-ray thickness measurement is the most common thickness measurement method used in aluminum foil production, especially in high-speed aluminum foil rolling mills. Thickness control method during aluminum foil rolling: rolling force control, tension control, rolling speed control, tension/speed, speed/tension control.
Anti-Corrosion Measures
1. Strengthen the management of the air dryer to ensure that there is no moisture in the compressed air.

2. Strengthen the management of rolling oil, and control its water content below 400×0.000001.

3. The packaging of aluminum foil rolls should be sealed, and an appropriate amount of desiccant should be placed in each roll.

4. The humidity of the wooden shaft and box board of the packing box is not more than 18%, and the temperature of the packaging aluminum coil is not more than 45 degrees Celsius.

5. Do not open the sealed package immediately if it is transported from a low temperature area to an area with high temperature and high humidity.

6. Aluminum foil rolls should not be placed where there is rain or snow on the roofs of workshops and warehouses.

7. When transporting aluminum foil from low temperature area to high temperature area, it is necessary to strengthen the sealing of packaging, and if necessary, add desiccant.

8. When packaging aluminum foil products in the rainy season, it is necessary to strengthen the sealing packaging and add desiccant.
Wholesale Aluminum Foil - Choose Ganghua Steel
Ganghua Steel is an aluminum product supplier, with complete production equipment and experienced technical workers, making it with heart! Accept product customization, bulk purchase wholesale, price concessions. The factory has produced and sold aluminum foil rolls, aluminum foil packaging boxes, plain foils, embossed foils, thick foils, colored aluminum foils, soft foils, carbon-coated aluminum foils, single/double zero foils, etc. Rich production experience, welcome to contact us to inquire about product quotations and reach cooperation!
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